
Full Day Derwent Adventure Sail

These full day voyages including lunch and morning tea are a great opportunity to experience sailing on a tallship from the Hobart marina to the lower reaches of the Derwent River.

Board 8:45 am at the Elizabeth St Pier, Hobart (near Fish Frenzy) returning between 3pm and 4pm.

Cost: $165

Often for these sails there are light winds in the morning with a sea breeze to give us a good sail home.

While exactly where we will sail will depend on the winds of the day, highlights and some of the things you could see or do include:

  • Steer the ship
  • Help with handling the sails
  • Climb the masts - or out onto the bowsprit
  • Anchor in beautiful bays
  • See the historic Iron Pot Lighthouse and WW2 military infrastructure
  • Wildlife - We often see Penguins, Dolphins, Sea Eagles and lots of other birds
  • Lunch, morning tea, Tea and Coffee provided
sitting on the bowsprit
under Full Sail
passenger on bowsprit